Material Abundance – Working With Trolls and Gnomes


My guides decided this month I should teach teach you how to work with trolls and gnomes. Post why? Because they are the caretakers and guardians of ALL material wealth and abundance on Earth. This is their job, and a purpose to which they are well suited. Very seldom does one spot a troll or gnome who is not grounded in material reality. Most know their task or purpose. Yes, I said material reality. Just because you do not see them, does not mean they are not there. They are all around you waiting to help. You need only to sincerely ask for their help. Have enough faith in what you've been told is improbable, according to your cultural beliefs, and your bottom line will improve.

Right now, panic is surfacing about material lack throughout the world. It is not just in the USA, it is worldwide. Even those who have enough seem to be suffering from emotional wobbles! Everywhere you see people losing jobs, losing money. Life savings are dwindling. Things are just falling apart, are not they? People are very frightened. For this reason, my guides were adamant I pass along this knowledge to help those in need of material and financial assistance.

There are much deeper reasons for this other than what is immediately apparent, but one of the REAL reasons is to teach us that there are certain beings who can help us right now! However we must ask them, in the correct way. The correct way is with food offerings we place out for them in return for any favors they bestow upon us.

We love to pretend beings such as trolls and gnomes are only myths. We are also a wee bit afraid of them too! We learn and buy-in to the craziest things from those who do not know truth! Culture has taught us to beware lest we get hoodwinked. We can trip if we believe in those silly fairy tales.

So what is the truth regarding trolls and gnomes? The truth is that if you have an honest need, then you'll receive help from them. Are you frightened you will not have a job? Frightened you will not have money to survive and provide for your basic needs? Trolls and gnomes can come to your rescue! These wonderful beings know all about how to bring what you most need into your life, when you most need it and lay it before you! They also understand how foolish it is to overlook their abilities to help humans in matters of material abundance and financial need. Trolls and gnomes have always had this gift or ability to help humans. It is us who have not seen, nor understood them or their purpose.

Trolls and gnomes are the guardians of material abundance. Yes they live underground but they also live above ground as well. Let us not limit them or their dwellings to what you read in fairy tales or myths. Recently I spotted a family of gnomes dwelling high on a snow capped peak way above the valley where I live. So much for tales in error. My Icelandic roots fairly cry out to ask them for assistance if I need it!

It does not matter where you live in the world, there are trolls and gnomes. Yes, they vary according to how they look and what they wear, just as we humans do according to where we hail from. They have customs and costumes unique to their lands. Surprising how like us they can be in that regard is not it?

"How then, do I ask trolls and gnomes for help" ?, you ask. Legends abound about how tricky and deceitful they can be, also how illusive. This is true, but one should always remember they also have a purpose, guarding and allowing only those deserving of help to take part in the riches of the Earth. The trolls and gnomes will not harm nor hurt you if you are honest in your dealings and come to them with true need.

True need. Pay close attention to those two words. True need is not spending wildly or lavishly on that which is not necessary to help you survive. True need is not two motorcycles in your driveway parked alongside two 4 wheelers, plus a monster truck sitting in your garage. True need is having a job, and enough money to put a roof over your head and food in your mouth. True need is the ability to protect yourself from the elements as necessary. It is not to dress in the latest style or fashion just because ….

How then is it trolls and gnomes relate so well to what we need? They are guardians of physical Earth. Gold is Earth based. How do we view gold? Gold is money. Money is gold. Money is closely related to dirt and rocks and stones. We find it in the ground. It vibrates to Earth. It grounds us. How many unhappy people have you seen that have access to plenty of money? Not too many. It is a circle of relatedness. Have enough money you feel grounded, solid and happy. Like it or not, this is a truth that many find hard to swallow. We need money to survive today. Yes, we are in the process of learning otherwise and to learn other uses for gold but for now, it's what we need to survive.

As a shaman, let me remind you not to be ultra spiritual or altruistic and say, "Oh but I do not care about money. I want what is best for me and my loved ones? I will always vote for the spiritual side of things and life. " Nonsense! You need to eat do not you. Pay the bills, and your house payment? Feed the dog and feel secure? (Say yes) Then you need money, ie gold. I love my higher self, but I also need the fridge to be full when I raid it at night. For that you need money to buy groceries. Trolls and gnomes have always known there would come a certain time when humans would turn to them for help. The time is now. Read on …..

Here is the way to ask for their help. It's so simple it may seem as if it can not be right or true but it is! Put out offerings and then ask for their help and PLEASE remember to say thanks at the same time.

The best offering is food you are about to eat yourself, because anything you would eat yourself is good to them as well. Place a bit on a plate and offer it. Do not forget to set out a beverage as well. You would not want to eat without something to wash it down. Neither would they.

I would suggest leaving it for a few days or through the day, and then you can place both the offerings and drink outside to let the birds and animals dispose of them. Never put offerings in the garbage. Always place them outside and let the birds and animals help you recycle.

Many people who receive readings from me know I am famous for suggesting food and drink offerings to their guides. In the case of asking for help from trolls and gnomes, it is no different.

Most beings who can help you are just like you and I …. they love to be recognized and asked to help. They also like to eat. It is well known in many cultures that they can partake of the essence of the food and drink!

The key here is to believe and you will receive. Do not worry how, or why, or what or even when. Just know you'll get the help you honestly need, when you need it. Yes, I am asking you to set aside your ideas of what is possible and just ask and offer, and say thanks.

In this time of seeming scarcity and lack in the world, do remember to call on the beings who can most readily help you with your material needs. In this case, that would be trolls and gnomes. It is one of their purposes to assist mankind. I know, we all have angels and guides. We always ask for help from our guides and angels or at least I hope you do. This is special. Here we are discussing having a direct interaction with trolls and gnomes. Post why? Just because it is possible and it works! In this time and place, they have a special service to impart to us humans. They always have, but most tales, till now have made them pretty inaccessible, which is nonsense.

Do not make this harder than it has to be. Do not add any elaborate prayers or rituals to this. Asking and offering plus a respectful thanks is enough. If it looks as if I am repeating myself, I am. Offer, ask and say thanks! Three important keys plus belief. What others would view as miracles is really just knowledge given that we can speak to and have a respectful relationship with the trolls and gnomes.

One poignant memory of mine is a day trip I took with my beloved mother just before she passed beyond the veil. We were taking a Sunday drive to a neighboring rural community. As I drove, she ate her cheeseburger and drank her coke in silence and enjoyed the scenery. All of a sudden, as we approached a huge farm on the main drag through town, she shouted, "Look Salome! Three Billy Goats Gruff! Look!"

There they were in a pasture next to the farmhouse. Three goats, standing there in all their glory. One huge ram with a huge rack of horns, a ewe and a younger goat. As I scanned the scene, not far from them stood a proud bunch of trolls talking amongst themselves. My mother brightened and laughed as she said, "Look at the trolls too! Now Salome, you can be sure that is one finely run farm. Just look at that house, the barn and the land. They are so well kept. Those trolls are making sure everyone is happy and well fed. "

True to my family's teachings, I had to chuckle at her choice of words and agree because I saw real truth before my eyes. Also true was the knowledge those keepers of that homestead knew the power of working with beings such as trolls and gnomes. That the owners put offerings out to ask for help and honor those beings who could make a difference, as needed, I have no doubt. In this case, the trolls. The three goats? They looked fat and happy to be sure. A funny story but nonetheless very true!

One last thing I would like to add here for you to think about is this: There are many who will see this advice and think oh no! How could Salome even suggest going to them for help? How nuts is that? To them I would say that I have learned the ways of the trolls and gnomes from my family. As a small child growing up, there were times when I watched my father ask for help from them, if needed, for his family and his farm. His needs were always honest and respectful. Never did I know him to ask for help from trolls or gnomes if it was not truly needed. He showed respect. And he always said thanks. Always. My family was always mindful of spirits who oversaw the farm. I was taught to respect their right to live there and to know I could ask for help if I truly needed it!

So, if you're worried, or fearful you will not get your needs met in these dire times, remember the trolls and gnomes. They guard material abundance and they dole it out as well. If these techniques seem odd or funny to you at first, keep trying. Make food and beverage offerings. Practice makes perfect, as they say, and you will produce results if you truly do need help. Who knows? You may even be graced with these wonderful beings showing themselves to you in the flesh. What fun! It could happen. After all, they are in charge of the material and physical world we live in.

I have many stories of working with trolls and gnomes, and while this is only one simple method of how to work with them, it is an important one, because they really can help you survive these supposed tough times.


Source by Salome Jacobsen

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